Athlete’s foot is caused by a fungus that assaults the feet because it tends to grow in areas that are dim and damp, like shoes, for starters. Athlete’s foot usually develops because of public pools, gym locker rooms or showers because they are breeding grounds for fungi. Contrary to popular belief, you do not have to be athlete to acquire it.
Symptoms associated with Athlete’s foot include dry skin, itching or burning between toes or swelling. Athlete’s foot can spread to the soles or toenails from itching the skin and then touching other areas of the body with the same hand. This can cause it to spread rapidly within the household if proper techniques are not taken to mitigate it from the onset. Treatment is your main weapon in fighting off this infection and the information below will help you to decide what other steps you can take before your feet have this infection.
Treatment for athlete’s foot includes:
● Use of medicated powders or creams to kill the fungus so they can reach areas of the shoe that may not be visible.
● Keep your feet dry as much as possible to help prevent the buildup of moisture. This will help to prevent any further fungi from growing on your feet. Open air helps immensely with preventing the fungus from thriving as well since it promotes a dry environment.
● Wash your feet daily to get rid of any lingering fungi that may be on the foot.
● Do not share a bathtub with someone who has it unless you are certain that it has been disinfected significantly.
Here at the Foot Care Specialists, PC, located in Quincy (The South Shore, Boston, Metro West area) and Dedham (Boston, Metro West), Massachusetts, our podiatrist, Dr. Marshall L. Lukoff, can help your feet fight blisters effectively. Please make an appointment with our offices by calling.